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Pre-Conference Workshop

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Earn PDHs, immerse yourself in a new topic, or engage with those in your field to discuss an area of interest!

Workshop is available at an additional cost of $75/workshop. You may register for the workshop during the conference registration process.

All events are subject to change.

Security in 'Smart' Applications—How to Outsmart the Hackers

4:30 pm–6:00 pm

Arguably the biggest public concern when discussing smart applications, specifically smart vehicles (CAV), is the ability of 'hackers' to enter the control systems or vehicles and effect the operation of one or more vehicles or the traffic control system. The risk of hacking is relevant to any smart system (e.g., city, energy, data) in any smart application. The focus of this workshop is to explore smart systems from the outside looking in - how do hackers find loopholes in the systems and what can be done to close those holes? Workshop presenters will provide their insight and lead a comprehensive discussion with attendees on the following topics:

  • Cybersecurity state of the industry
  • Noblis’ work with the misbehavior detection system for the CV Pilots
  • NEMA’s program to improve cyber resilience

Moderator:  Edward Fok, Transportation Technologist, Federal Highway Administration

Panel Members:

  • Jean Johnson, Technical Program Manager, National Electrical Manufacturer Association (NEMA)
  • Justin Anderson, Senior Systems Engineer, Noblis
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